Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures reported show our end of year performance (April 23 - March 24). There are 12 tenant perception questions which cover several areas, such as overall satisfaction and how safe people feel in their homes, these results are captured through customer feedback surveys. Alongside these there 10 performance measures covering building safety, repairs, complaints and ASB, these come from our systems. 

The full list of all questions and their corresponding code can be found here.

Our results

Results from our three housing associations, Newtide Homes, Samphire Homes and Victory Homes have been combined to give an overall picture of results for low cost rented accommodation from across the Flagship Group. 

Our shared ownership properties are managed by Flagship Homes, this is where the results of low cost home ownership are from.

Full approach to TSM collection

Please read our full approach to collecting the TSMs here.

How we collected our results

Over the last year, a company called IFF Research contacted Flagship’s tenants across all three Housing Associations, as well as Shared Owners who completed the survey. 80% of surveys were completed by telephone and 20% online.

A fair representation

Targets were put in place to ensure a true representation of our tenants was factored into the sample of people surveyed. Age ranges, gender, location, and property type were targeted based on representation for each and we are happy to report that we were able to achieve these targets. Surveys were conducted throughout the year.

Hand holding up a house

See our results for Low Cost Home Ownership

(Shared ownership)

Outline of two people holding hands to create house

See our results for Low Cost Rented Accommodation

(Social homes)


In 2020 the government published the social housing white paper. It set out a series of improvements for people living in social housing, including a new Charter.

Following this paper, in April 2023 we started reporting on some Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), so the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) can understand how well we’re doing at providing good quality homes and services to you, our tenants. An important part of the TSMs is measured using your feedback. 

We've put together some FAQs to help you understand what will happen if you're contacted to provide your feedback.

Tenant responding to TSM

Why are you carrying out this research?

We’re always looking for ways to improve what we do! And, in 2020, the government published the social housing white paper, which sets out ways to improve things for people living in social housing. As a result of this paper, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) is introducing a new framework for all social housing landlords to report on some tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). The Regulator will use the feedback from tenants to understand how well we’re doing at providing good quality homes and services.

We first ran a trial in December 2022, and we asked independent social and market research agency IFF Research to help us do this. The questions we asked are the same ones that all other social housing providers will ask their tenants. This trial run helped us make sure our systems and communication were both ready for the big launch in April.

Who will contact me?

We have asked IFF Research to help us. IFF Research is an independent social and market research agency. It’ll be them that gets in touch with you to ask you these questions.

How and when will IFF Research get in touch?

You may receive a phone call from 0330 027 0103 or an email from IFF Research. In an effort to make sure you can take part if you want to, IFF Research have quite long operating hours - 9am til 8pm on weekdays, and between 11am and 4pm on Saturdays. You may also receive an email from myresearch@voluntas.co.uk inviting you to take part in a survey online.

What will IFF Research ask me?

IFF Research will ask for your opinions on the services that we provide and may check that your contact details are up to date. They will never ask for any personal passwords or financial information such as your bank account details. The approach to the full survey can be read here.

How long will the survey take?

Typically, no more than 10 minutes.

Is my feedback confidential?

IFF Research can keep your responses completely anonymous - if you’d like them to do that, just ask. If there are any questions which you would prefer not to answer, please let them know. IFF will never include anything in its findings that could identify you as an individual.

Will IFF Research check if my contact details are up to date?

At the end of the survey, the person calling will ask you to share your mobile phone number and your email address. Your details will be used only to update our systems, and we may use them to contact you in the future. As always, you can choose to opt-out of these communications at any time, but it really helps us to have correct details for you in case we need to get in touch.

What information about me do you share with IFF Research?

The only information we share with IFF Research are details that are relevant to make sure feedback is representative of our different tenant groups. The information will include your name, address, telephone number and email address.

How do I know my data is secure?

Privacy is as important to us as it is to you. IFF Research go to great lengths to preserve your privacy and protect the personal data used in conducting all research. For full details about IFF Research’s privacy policy please visit: IFF Research | GDPR.

Why have I not been contacted?

We only contact a sample of our customers (enough to make sure the data is reliable), so you may not be contacted every time. If you haven’t been contacted but would like to tell us what you think, we would love to hear from you!

What if I don't want to take part in surveys?

That's fine. The person calling will always check that you are happy to take part. If you would prefer not to, just let the person know, and we will make sure we remove you from our contact list.