

Flagship Group changes its company structure to help provide a more local service


Key changes include:

  • The Group’s housing associations will manage c.10,000 homes each and change their names to Newtide Homes, Samphire Homes & Victory Homes
  • RFT Services will rename to Flagship Services and provide repairs & maintenance across all three housing associations
  • Flagship Homes brand will now focus on building new homes and managing all shared ownership and private lettings customers
  • In the next five years, Flagship aims to build a further 3,912 homes

Flagship Group owns, manages, and maintains over 31,000 homes in the East of England. It’s made up of three  housing associations, an in-house repairs & maintenance provider, a heating specialist, and a homelessness charity.
In 2017, Victory Housing joined Flagship Group, adding 5,600 homes to the Group’s existing 22,000. Since partnering with Flagship, Victory has seen positive changes to its services and has made financial savings, allowing for further investment into maintaining its homes and building new ones. Victory Housing will now manage c.10,000 homes in Norfolk and will change its name to Victory Homes.
Suffolk Housing, which joined the Group in February 2020, added a further c.2,800 homes. It has already made strides in increasing its pace and scale in providing affordable homes and will now manage c.10,000 homes in Norfolk, Suffolk & Cambridge, under its new name, Samphire Homes.

Flagship Homes, which managed c.22,000 homes across the East, will now provide c.10,000 homes to social housing tenants across seven local authorities in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex under its new name of Newtide Homes.

The Flagship Homes brand will still exist. However, it will now focus on building new homes and managing all shared ownership and private lettings customers. And Gasway and Blueflame will continue to serve both the Group’s tenants and private customers.

Peter Hawes, Chair of Flagship Group said : “Over the last few years, the Group has seen significant change, and our new company structure is designed to help us focus on providing our tenants with better local services, that are tailored specifically to their area.”

For more information please get in touch with our Comms Team: