Meet our board members and Executive team
Our Board is made up of Non-Executive Directors, along with our Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer. The Board has overall responsibility for setting strategic priorities, monitoring performance against them and ensuring they are delivered. They oversee our Governance and ensure the Group’s financial, legal and statutory responsibilities are fulfilled. The Board also drives our social purpose, vision, and values. If you'd like more information about our Board members, please contact:
Board members and employees need to let others know if they have any personal interests that could interfere with their responsibilities - this is called a 'Declaration of Interest'. We have a form that everyone fills out at least once a year. If their situation changes during the year, they need to update their form.
We review all the declared interests annually at a Group Audit and Risk Committee (GARC) meeting. All the Declarations of Interest are recorded on a Register which is reported to the GARC every year. If you would like to see the Register, please contact: